Section 7.2 Stokes' Theorem
In this video we finally state Stokes' Theorem in its fully glory and motivate the core geometric ideas behind it.
Learning Objectives:
State Stokes' Theorem
Geometrically interpret both sides of Stokes' Theorem
Pre-Video Activity: Before you watch, can you try and figure out the core ideas that will be in Stokes' Theorem? I hinted earlier that Stokes' theorem is a generalization of Green's Theorem Circulation Form. But that was 2D. What would it even mean to have an analogous theorem in 3D?
Post-Video Activities Post-Video Activities
Now that we've watched the video, let's repeat the pre-video activity. In what ways can Stokes' Theorem be thought of as a generalization of Green's Theorem Circulation Form? Similarly, in what ways can Stokes' Theorem be thought of as an extension of the fundamental theorem of Calculus?