This block plan is an outline of a potential progression for the unit. Links on block plan go to task/game sheets.  The task/game sheets contain teaching points, organization pointers, diagrams and images or video clips.

Lesson 1 

Administration: Safety Concerns & Expectations

Tactical Problem

Maintain good ground wrestling position, and move partner out of good ground position.


Parterre - prone movement & positioning.

Learning Outcomes


Psychomotor: Move their partner out of good wrestling position, while maintaining good positioning.

Cognitive: Make the correct offensive and defensive positioning decisions.

Affective: Work with their partners effectively.

Introductory Activities
  1. Warm up
  2. Dynamic Stretch: focusing on necks, shoulders, groin, & hamstrings
Introductory Game(s)
  1. Arm Wrestling
  2. Leg Wrestling
  3. Clear the Fort
  4. Retrieve
  5. Turn the turtle (turtle can’t move):
  • One person gets into a good, tight crouched position on their hands and knees
  • The other person will try to knock them over by pushing and pulling
  1. Turn the turtle (turtle can move)
Question Period
  1. Why would you not want to get turned?
  2. What are some things you could do to “turn the turtle” successfully?
Skill Development/Concept
  1. Introduce and demonstrate the parterre & prone positions
Culminating Activity
  1. Game - Turn the turtle (same as above)
  2. Cool Down - Portion of warm up or daily activity
  3. Stretch - Reciprocal static stretch

Review Class

  1. Participation & regular assessment procedures
  2. Handout of techniques and cues

Click here for a copy of lesson 1


Lesson 2 

Tactical Problem

Moving partner out of a good ground position, and exposing their back to the mat


Offensive tilts & turns

Learning Outcomes


Psychomotor: Expose their partners back to the mat using the half nelson technique, and will also learn counter movements.

Cognitive: Apply safety considerations to the wrestling moves introduced and to be aware of general safety issues.

Affective: Cooperate with different partners and work together in a group.

Introductory Activities
  1. Warm up
  2. Dynamic Stretch: focusing on necks, shoulders, groin, & hamstrings
Introductory Game(s)
  1. The Line Game
  2. Roll and go:
  • forward roll then crawl across the mat
  • Cues for forward roll: squat, hands, tuck, push
  1. Review previous technique
Question Period
  1. Why is it important in wrestling to expose your partners back to the mat?
  2. What are some tactics that we can use to turn or expose our partner’s back to the mat?
Skill Development/Concept
  1. Review Defensive prone position, offensive control position and practice with partner
  2. Demonstrate and practice the half nelson technique and counter
  3. Review and go over cues:
  • Head, elbow, block, drive, scoop
Culminating Activity
  1. Game - Turn the turtle & the Line Game
  2. Cool Down - Portion of warm up or daily activity
  3. Stretch - Reciprocal static stretch

Review Class

  1. Participation & regular assessment procedures
  2. Handout of techniques and cues

Click here for a copy of lesson 2


Click here for a copy of the Block Plan

Lesson 3  

Tactical Problem

Moving partner out of good ground position, and exposing their back to the mat


Offensive tactics, tilts, & turns continued...

Learning Outcomes


Psychomotor: Expose their partners back to the mat using the elbow point - arm bar series, and will learn how to set up this move from the counter to the half nelson.

Cognitive: Apply safety considerations to the wrestling moves introduced and to be aware of general safety issues.

Affective: Cooperate with different partners and work together in a group.

Introductory Activities
  1. Warm up
  2. Dynamic Stretch: focusing on necks, shoulders, groin, & hamstrings
Introductory Game(s)
  1. Monarch of the Mat
  2. Review the half nelson offense
  3. Practice techniques
  4. Apply techniques to Monarch of the Mat
Question Period
  1. Why is it important to know more than one offensive technique?
  2. What could you do if your partner knows how to counter your offence?
Skill Development/Concept
  1. Review the counter to the half nelson, and practice with a partner
  2. Demonstrate and practice the elbow point - arm bar series
Culminating Activity
  1. Game - Monarch of the Mat incorporating the elbow point
  2. Cool Down - Portion of warm up of daily activity
  3. Stretch - Reciprocal static stretch

Review Class

  1. Participation & regular assessment procedures
  2. Handout of techniques and cues

Click here for a copy of lesson 3


Lesson 4  

Tactical Problem

Moving partner out of a good ground position, and exposing their back to the mat using your opponent’s reaction to set up an offensive attack


Evasive Offence

Learning Outcomes


Psychomotor: Expose their partners back to the mat using the crossed ankle technique.

Cognitive: Apply safety considerations during wrestling and to apply different wrestling moves in the correct situation.

Affective: Cooperate and work well with different partners and in a group as a whole.

Introductory Activities
  1. Warm up
  2. Dynamic Stretch: focusing on necks, shoulders, groin, & hamstrings
Introductory Game(s)
  1. British Bulldog
Question Period
  1. Why is it important to review and practice the offensive techniques and counters?
  2. What are some things that you could do to make your offensive attack easier?
Skill Development/Concept
  1. Review the half nelson technique & counter
  2. Review the elbow point - arm bar series
  3. Demonstrate and practice the crossed ankles technique
Culminating Activity
  1. Wrestling matches:
  • form groups of 3 to 5 students the same size & ability
  • 30 second periods
  • must stay in parterre position (hands & knees)
  1. Cool Down - Portion of warm up of daily activity
  2. Stretch - Reciprocal static stretch

Review Class

  1. Participation & regular assessment procedures
  2. Handout of techniques and cues

Click here for a copy of lesson 4


Click here for a copy a lesson plan template